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Saturday, April 2, 2011

We're Dancin'

So, fellow blog followers; I mentioned in a previous post that our life has been much like a storm recently and we've just been dancin' in the rain to move through it all...I'm sure you're wondering just what has been going on...I'll give you a quick re-cap.

In no particular order, heres the skinny:

1) To date we are under 100 days out from PCSing back to the states from Korea. Talk about a "To Do" list that is a mile (or two)'s growing and doesn't seem to stop. I just keep thinking to myself, I will NEVER get everything done. But then, my fellow Army spouses who have PCS'd before me and are what you would call PCSing veterans, continue to remind me that it will, and CAN get all done. In the meantime, I've got to crank out the actual "To-Do" list, and then cross off "crank out to-do list" off the actual list...and why am I writing this blog, it looks as though I should be writing a to-do list!! ha!

2) I'm in search of a job back stateside. Oh, what a headache! Currently, there is nothing available in my field of expertise: social worker, family advocacy. Heck, I'd even take an admin. job just to keep my government status! It doesn't help that there has been a hiring freeze within the federal government, or that our fearless leaders in Washington STILL can't come to a budget agreement! (That's another thought, for another time!) I'm really praying that it will be the Lord's will, that this hiring freeze is lifted soon, and the hopefully the flood gates of jobs will open and I can start applying again.

3) We are still slotted to PCS to Ft. Huachua, AZ. We are pretty excited, but sad that our friends who are currently in San Diego are now moving back to the east coast...we we're so hoping to have them on the same coast as us. But, luckily for them they will have a gig with stability and no deployments for a few years. We're looking forward to making new friends when we get to Huachuca, and I'm super excited to live out west...this will yet again be another adventure for us!

4) We recently found out that B's packet he put in (months, and MONTHS) ago for a gig in DC is continuing to be worked on, secretly I think we both forgot he put the packet in! ha!  So once again, we're not sure what is going to happen with this gig...which puts a slight wrench in our plans for moving to AZ. Yet, as with the Army nothing is definate and we're just simply in limbo. For now, we're still moving to AZ...but that plan could change at a moments notice... Did I mention that we are 98 days out from PCSing...ha! I love living life by the seat of my britches! ha!  

5) My dearest sister is getting married July 23rd. So I am in the process of planning her bridal shower from Korea! ha! Now, let me tell you how much fun that is! ha! Luckily, she's been a great help with getting our hometown church's fellowship hall booked. And, thank goodness for online shopping! I've got some great ideas for her shower, but I won't share till it's over because I want this to be a surprise for her!

6) In my freetime, ha! I've been trying to make it to the gym. Recently, I've been working on the "Couch to 5K" program, and a Kendra Wilkinson video! It's been a great way for me to relieve stress (from the above stated items), and work on my figure. To date, I've lost about 8 lbs. It's coming off slowly, but thats okay...hopefully that means this time it will stay off! 

Well, like I said before! We're dancin'! And, we'll keep dancin' till the Army life settles down a bit! For now, I'm thankful to have our faith, our health, our home, each other and the stability of the Army life (financially speaking). After that, the rest is just another day in the life of an Army family! 

Till Next Time,

XOXO from Korea! 
Mrs. GC  

The GREAT Dress Debacle!!

Spring has sprung, and if you're living in or around an Army community (Signal Corps to be exact), than you know that it's just about that time of year again... for formal balls!!

There are many perks to living in Korea, one of which is that there are custom tailors everywhere, to make just about anything your little heart desires. So of course, I have been researching for weeks on end and found 2 dresses that I would like to have custom made for me for the 2 balls we have coming up in May. May 5th is the 304th Signal BN Ball- "Ready Always Ready" Hooah! While, May 20th is the 1st Signal Brigade Ball- "1st To Communicate" Hooah! (Okay, so enough of that!) Ha!

The two dresses that I choose are:

Option #1:
Photo Courtesy of Nordstroms

Now with dress option #1 (mind you, I need 2 dresses for 2 different balls, where I'm going to see the SAME people within the course of about 3 weeks!), the plan is was to get this dress made in a solid black, probably satin material; and I would accent with silver shoes, black and silver clutch and silver and diamond statement jewlery, most of which I already have in my closet, with the exception of a bracelet I would borrow from a friend. 

Option #2 

Photo Courtesy of Nordstroms

For this dress, I plan planned to get made in an emerald green satin material (much like shown in the picture), and accent this dress with gold jewlery and clutch, both of which I would be adding to my closet after purchase. So of course, after bringing budget into the picture and finding some awesome deals on accessories, I opted to still continue my plan.

Now on to the tailor search... I recieved a price quote from the tailor who made some awesome looking suits for B, and he quoted me a reasonable price for each dress, I would say comparable to what I would pay in a department store. The only issue was, in his shop I never saw any dresses that he made...only suits. Now ladies, we all know that there is a HUGE difference between the fitting of a suit on a man and a formal gown on a lady. This was my first red flag.

Then I decided to consult some of my friends who have had dresses made for events. After speaking to 3 different friends, who both stated that they were middle-of-the-road satisfied with their end product (from 3 different tailors in addition to the one mentioned above), and later found out they paid an outrageous price for a cocktail dress (knowing that my dresses would require double the material of a cocktail dress). I started thinking about whether this whole tailored dress idea was going to be a complete bust, and if so would I be pleased with my end product. Finally after all of my research and talking with friends, I basically determined that I will most likely end up with a dress looks like I should be attending my first high school prom, or one that I should be wearing down the aisle at a wedding, neither of which is the look I am going for.

Therefore knowing myself (yeah, I know I'm being a little picky...but I'm okay with that), the look I am going for and wanting a dress that I can re-wear again at another duty station...I opted to scratch the entire above plan, for fear of ending up with a product I've dumped money into and am completely disastified with.

So, onto plan B. 

I scoured good ole' Nordstroms from page to page and came across these two beauties...

Photo Courtesy of Nordstroms

Photo Courtesy of Nordstroms

The teal one shoulder has been ordered and will hopefully arrive within the next week or so. This gown will be worn to the May 5th ball, and I still plan to accent it with gold jewlery and clutch. While the black gown will be worn to the May 20th ball, and of course will be accented with silver tones of jewlery and accessories.

So there you have it... the GREAT dress debacle: extensive research, a little frustration, 4 dresses narrowed down to 2, and hopefully 2 that can be worn, re-worn and even maybe loaned to fellow Army spouses a few times throughout the next couple of ball seasons!

Till Next Time,

XOXO from Korea!

Mrs. GC

Friday, April 1, 2011

Continuing Education...The Next Chapter!

Hello Again Fellow Bloggers!!

I know you all think that once again, I've fallen off the Korean peninsula, but never fear...I'm still here! We've been swamped with life, and I think we are finally starting to catch up with the whirlwind! *Shew, thank goodness!*

So, with that being said...TODAY I have a HUGE announcement to make!!

During some of my blogger break (please know this was once again unintentional!), it was a priority of mine to complete and submit my graduate school application. It's been about 3 weeks since I submitted it and I recieved an email this morning with an update....

I am proud exstatic to announce that I am one of the newest members of the UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND's CLASS of 2013 Masters of Social Work program!!!

This program is one that will be completely online, which is perfect for our ever changing life with the Army. It will take me 2 years to complete, with each course session lasting 8 weeks. So in other words, I will take one 3 credit hour course every 8 weeks! I know that I'm going to have to crank the work out, and stick to a very tight schedule...but the upside is that after 8 weeks, that course is under my belt!

Returning to school for graduate work has always been a goal of mine. Well, really more than a goal. It's something that I have known for quite sometime that I would HAVE to do before moving on with life... ie: starting a family! But let me be the first to say, that I am SO very glad that I took a few years off from school, got some "life" experience under my belt, and I NOW more than EVER feel completely prepared to return to school. I actually even feel as though I will contribute more to my class sessions and hundreds of papers I'll be composing now that I have this "life" experience, and after living overseas, I certainly see the world through different eyes! For this experience, I am ever so grateful!

So here's too...stratigically planning my schedules, late nights researching, reading and writing papers and furthering my career and my family's future by continuing my education!

Till Next Time,

XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC