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Sunday, May 30, 2010

the first of catch you up!!


from beautiful...

S. Korea! ha! :)

...but this post is a pIcTuRe post from our 3 day (well my 3 day, B's 2 and a half week) trip to beautiful Hawaii!! And it is simply just that...beautiful and fabulous! I'll let you see for yourself! Enjoy!!

Beautiful Wakiki Beach!!

The view from our hotel into Wakiki. We stayed at the Hale Koa Resort- one for military servicemembers, both active duty, reserve and retirees! It was beautiful and we could'nt beat it for the price...$92.00 per nite! We can't even stay at the Holiday Inn in Kernersville, NC for that rate!! Ahh the many perks of the armed forces!! Thank you-Uncle Sam! :)

Our wheels for the weekend!! We LOVED this Jeep! It was a 4 door which worked out perfectly since we had B's parents there with us, and you best believe that the top was down 99.9% of the time! :) This was the only .1% that we had it up, because it was about to mist rain...which by the way is the most beautiful rain fall ever!!

Simply Stunning! Looks like a postcard...but I swear I took it! We highly reccomend saving your pennies for Hawaii... you won't regret it! We're definatly planning a trip back and for MUCH longer than 3 days! Heck...who knows maybe that will be our next duty station... :)


Look closely...I just love my pumpkin's little boy excitement over the waves crashing against the lava rocks! <3 br="br">

An action shot of the view behind us...and what B was so excited over!! What an awesome God we have who created mothernature as majestic as this!!

And...we can't forget the fine men and women (yes...some look like yougin's! ha!) who make the ultimate sacrifice and give us our freedom to live as we please in the good ole' USA!! So here's a big shout out to the fine soldiers of the 304th Signal BN. Charlie Company-cause "Charlie Rocks the House!!" *If you look close in the'll see a soldier I'm quite fond of...who mentors those soldiers you see in front of him to be the best they can be...Army Strong each and everyday!!*

Mahalo and XOXO-

From Wakiki Hawaii and Uijongbu S. Korea!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A fun little Q&A!!

So some of my bests buds have posted this little q&a...I thought...what a great way to get back on the blogging wagon... so here goes! Enjoy!!

B's answers are in teal!!
1) He is sitting in front of the TV, what is he watching??
-a random movie with Nicolas Cage, NCIS or CIS; movie.

2) You are out to eat, what type of dressing does he get on his salad?
-ranch; ranch.

3) What's one food he doesn't like?
-V8 Juice; tomatos. ha!

4) You go out to a bar, what does he order?
- Bud Light or Bud Ice; beer.

5) Where did he go to high school?
-Gospel Light; Gospel Light

6) What size shoe does he wear?
-15; 14. *In my defense, we're in KOREA, it's been awhile since I've found shoes that fit him! ha!

7) If he were to collect anything, what would it be?
-shotglasses, money, oh yea and shotglasses too.

8) What's his favorite sandwich?

9) What would he eat everyday if he could?
-Fritos and bean dip; pizza!

10) What is his favorite cereal?
-Raisin Bran CRUNCH; Raisin Bran

11) What would he never wear?
-socks with sandals and pink; "I don't know!" ha! I guess I'll speak for him, I've tried to get him to wear pink, he won't do it because he says it doesn't look good on us redheads! ha!

12) What is his favorite sports team?
-Redskins (which is true); Wake Forest! * I apparently had a brainfart!

13) Who does he vote for?
-He doesn't!; I don't! *Yup, he really has never voted a day in his life and doesn't plan too! ha!

14) Who is his best friend?
-Me and Nathan; you and Nate

15) What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
-talk so much; nag! ha!

16) How many states has be lived in?
-2, NC and FL for 1yr of Marine Corp training; 1, NC-apparently the year of Marine Corp training "doesn't count as living there!" ha! okay!

17) What is his heritage?
-German; German.

18) You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake is it?
- pound cake; vanilla, anything but chocolate or coconut.

19) Did he play sports in high school?
-yes, baseball and basketball; yes, baseball and basketball.

20) What could be spend hours doing?
-sitting on the commode reading the Army Times, yardwork, hanging out with friends and family on a porch somewhere; yeah all those and video games!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I gotta itch...and it ain't a bug bite...

Yup, that's right folks...I'm itchin' for some new air space, new surroundings, new faces, to actually carry on a complete conversation with a local in El English!! I've got the Korean 10 month itch...I'm not too sure if this is something that exists...but I'm definately feeling it.

So that's it...I'm off to Hawaii tomorrow with very minimal plans in mind...and right now, I'm more than lovin' that idea.

Here's to hoping to accomplish these few things:

a)safe travels of course-prayers appreciated!
b)rest...lots of rest! rest on the beach will be great, rain or sunshine, hail or tsunamis...I'll be there!
c)rejuvination...I'm burnt out...ka-put! which probably explains why I've been kinda in and out of my social life lately...
d)shopping-I can't WAIT to step foot into Macy's and Nine West!!
e) and most importantly- I gotta get this mind of mine's been working on overload for 10 months...time for some changes in attitude and lattitude! (thanks Jimmy B!)
f)catching up on some reading, gossip magazines and most importantly re-syncing myself with the Lord! How great thou art...

So ladies-I'm out!

I'm not officially on me time...and it's great!!

Love you all!!

-Mrs. GC