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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mid-Week Update...

so tonight I feel the need to just say a few little all my lovely friendy friends...I have not forgotten to blog this week! :) for now, we can just call this my mid week check in- here's a few items to brief you on our week...

1- B is still in the field, he will be home at some point, then home for 14 days, then to Hawaii (for FIVE WHOLE weeks) (lucky duck!!)
2- the Lord blessed us (I'm reminding myself that it was a blessing) with 8 inches of snow on Wednesday morning...8 inches of glorious is now "glorious" because it's melting...I'm so ready for spring and cherry blossoms
3-I now have 8 (yup, EIGHT) pregnant spouses at the PBC...can we say HORMONES!!!
4-due to the above, I ONLY drink bottled water... :)
5-during the snow...i took was a beautiful snow...i plan to post them ASAP!
6- little Chloe got a bath went over well...i was nervous because B usually does the washin' and i do the dryin'...tonight both and that equaled success...yup, I think she's a mommas girl...
7-korean rice wine...mmm.mmm good! :) I might just have to start sending some home so that I've got it stock piled for when we leave...any of you gals want to try a bottle...let me know I've got some good light spring wines that will go GREAT with some BBQ's this summer! :)

some thoughts for now...

-Mrs. GC