Blog Background

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our First Posting...

WOW!!! What an adventure this blogging world is going to be! I never new how computer illiterate I was until I started this thing! It's a great thing that my husband is a PC gu-ru! We wanted to start this blog for our family and friends to keep up with us during our travels! It's incredible the crazy looking faces that we get when we announce that we are "moving to South Korea!" Many folks have strange and confused expressions, much like if we were saying that we were joining some unknown indian tribe in the depths of the rainforest!! :) We love it! To put all fears aside...we will have the following necessities: water, food, clothing and some sort of shelter(probably a rediculously small apartment), we are allowed to ship 2,500 lbs of our own personal belongings (furniture, clothing, household goods). We will be living on a military base (for security reasons as well as my husband's and other troops/families safety) we may or may not publish our specific location. The military bases are quite self sufficient- they EVEN have a Starbucks!!, library, hospitals, dentist, grocery store, shopping mall (with limited supplies- unfortunatly not like Hanes Mall or Crabtree). At this time, we believe that we will be realitively close to a large city!! Which leads me to new adventure number 1- riding metro's and subways into and around large cities! We also believe that we will be living in a mountainous region...and from what we understand it gets STINKIN' cold there!!! (I am sure there will be blogs to follow regarding the weather!) As of now, we have recieved word that of our approval for command sponsorship (meaning the military will allow me to go and pay my way) now we await orders from Ft. Gordon. As of today, we have no specific date of departure, yet we are assuming that we will be leaving mid to late June! At this time, we ask for your prayers and postive thoughts as we embark on this exciting journey! We ask for strength for our families as we leave them behind! And we ask for continuous love and safety for our little Clubbers- who we will dearly miss while we are gone! We hope that everyone enjoys this blog, we will try to keep it updated and exciting!! :) XOXO- We love you all!!

*Mrs. GC*