Hey Hey World! :)
Recently, I have enjoyed reading all of my friends blogs, and keeping up with them and after much *begging*, yes, you know who you are :)...here's our updated blog. I haven't updated in MONTHS I know! But, honestly after getting settled into living in Korea it has seemed as though it's just life, and really not that interesting. There are some days that are fun and unique, but overall it's just became a way of life for us! With that being said, I think it's wonderful that it has became such a unique way of life for us, but for all my "friendy friends" in blog world and real life...I know you want updates by the millions!! Soooooo, I promise to TRY to update this blog as often as possible! Now, that I am finally back into the working woman world...I may have more interesting things to talk about!
Speaking of "working woman!!" YES, after much persistence and months and months and months and did I mention MONTHS of looking for a job/volunteering (which I plan to continue)...I am officially (this coming Tuesday March 2nd) the newest PBC manager/director!! PBC= Pear Blossom Cottage...it is a cottage on our post (C. Stanley) that is operated soley for the military families of the post and the surrounding community. The mission of the PBC is this..."The PBC program supports the ACS (Army Community Services) mission to assist commanders (head honchos...big guys/gals like Lt. Col. and Col.!! :) by delivering social support services to family members, contributing to high troop morale, and increased vision of readiness." The vision of the PBC is... 1) Provide support in a safe and secure community gathering place for spouses and children 2) Provide opportunities for growth and self- sufficiency through educational and social programs 3) Promise positive soldier and family relationships!! Hopefully that helps in understanding my job at hand! I am VERY much so looking foward to this new chapter in my life. We have a year and a half left here in Korea, and I truly believe that during this time I can make a difference in our community! We have a great network of established families already associated with the PBC, yet my personal vision is to eventually put into place methods of reaching out to those families who are associated with our post, yet don't call the PBC their social home! :) The reality of our situation is...Korea can be a very LONELY and DEPRESSING place without friends! And, what a blessing the PBC is!! Some of my daily duties will include basic paperwork and statistic reports, event planning (thank goodness for those Sigma days!), cultural trip planning to venture out to places near and far exploring the Korean peninsula (day trips of course), and providing educational classes to the families: parenting, financial, exercise, nutrition, cooking ect! The PBC is a unique facility on our post comprised of a lovely living room equipped with a big screen TV, family kitchen area (also HUGE), laundry room (for FREE laundry!), children's play room (also equipped with a big screen TV) and tons o' toys! :) I realize that the job is going to be ALOT of work, and going to take tons of heart! But I think I've got it! At least I pray that the Lord has prepared me for this, and he will continue to give me the strength to serve these families! I will certainly keep you posted on my adventures at the PBC!
Let's see what else...the hubby is doing great! B is in a field exercise for now. He will be home the middle of March for 14ish days and then fly to Hawaii for 5 weeks of training! Lucky ducky! Although, I can't be too jealious...I will join him for 3 WHOLE days and 3 WHOLE nights during the tail end of his training. *Please reference tropical picture up top...ps- if someone would like to tell me how to put pictures inside of the post ie: like what Ashley and Jodi have done...that would be great...and my post will flow better!* Thanks!
One last thing, B and I ordered Vonage...YAY! We finally got the Vonage adapter in the mail today! I am going to use my noodle and hook it up this weekend! We have a local- Kernersville, NC 336 area code number and would love to share it with anyone who wants to contact us! :) We have unlimited minutes calling to the states... and would be more than willing to call you back! :) As soon as I get it hooked up...I'll let you know! Probably with a real LIVE phone call! :)
Well, enough babble for now! Maybe I'll make my post "Babbling...Friday!" :)
Much Love from Sunny S. Korea!!!
-Mrs. GC- (I would love to have a cool signature thingy like Mon, and Ashley if someone would assist me in that too!!)
**HAHAHAHA! I have come to realize how un blogger savvy I really am! Maybe that's why I gave this thing up! :)
Okay, for the picture, click the picture box thingy at the top of the box that you are typing in--obviously you know how to do that--you just have to copy and paste the code to wherever you want it in the blog--I know it's a pain, but thats the only way I know how to do it!
ReplyDeleteFor the signature, go to www.mylivesignature.com and make an account, make your signature and then you get a code, and copy and paste it in at the end of your blog--that's how I do it, Monica may have a way where you don't have to go get the code everytime you blog?
Good job posting! Would love to see more posts!!!! :o) Join in on the addiction!
Kati-looks like Ashley answered all of the technical stuff above. i love your blog layout...very pretty!!! yay for a post!! i am excited you get to go to hawaii! lucky!!!! congrats on your job again!! i know you will do fabulous!!! talk to you soon!!