First, I must WELCOME you to our new blog...well, newly improved blog is more like it. I have envisioned updating our blog for quite sometime now, and I wanted something catchy...something that described us! Something unique! So here you have it...a catchy new title and web address!! I've also decided to take our blog off of private, for several reasons; and the main being that alot of our not so tech savy friends and family can't seem to find our blog! Now with that being said, I will continue to be picky as to what I post on our blog and will in Army land be following a little acronym by the name of OPSEC!
Now, on to the title of this blog, is the weekend SERIOUSLY almost over already??? WOW! Time just seems to be rolling by at lightening speed for us recently! Now don't get me wrong, I am quite satisfied with our fast paced lifestyle right now and am more than looking foward to the revolving door in our apartment being taken out of operation for a few months!! :) I hope that B and I will really be able to soak in the fall weather and local festivities this year, now that we are very aquainted with the lay of the land per say! I'm even hoping that we can work on producing yet again a lovely Christmas card stay posted for updates on those events!
In the mean time, I will continue working at the cottage, while B continues his soldier duties that he does oh so very well...if I do say so myself!
Well, I've blabbered enough for now! Enjoy the new design! Feedback?!?! And stay posted...hopefully I'll be able to produce so much more exciting post than this in the near future!!
Till then...
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC
Blog Background
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Under Construction!
YES! My blog is STILL under construction... I know, I know! (You can thank this Gosh darned field exercise, and the fact that my apt. has once again turned into a revolving door for the month of August!) Although, if you haven't noticed- I've got what I think is a jazzy new title and web address. I will be taking the blog off private settings as well! Now, I will not be advertising my blog on facebook, but I will send private reminder messages the first few times to let everyone know we are still around and blogging! ha! :)
A few blog improvements to look foward too:
1) I'm working on creating my own picture header and editing it with Picasa for the first time.
2) I've also changed the background and am considering doing a 3 column blog and hopefully adding more pictures!
Thus far I've had alot of fun browsing other blogs and getting ideas for ours! (hints why it's also taken me so long to update!)
Stay tuned!!
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Blog Make-Over
I've come to realize that my blog is quite boring...ha! Therefore to solve this issue, in T-2 make-over will begin! In the meantime, any tips on how I can get a super cute customized blog page???
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC
Monday, July 19, 2010
A Groseclose Top hold you over!! :)
10) We have been suuuuper busy! Between working (B of course with his soldiers, me with their families! ha!)! It seems like some days that we just come home to sleep, get back up and do it all over again!
9) We recently went to dinner with some good couple friends we've met here. The place was called O'Kim's Browhouse! ha! :) I love the's a little Irish and ALOT Korean! (I have pictures...will post soon!) Speaking of dinner, we also tried out this cute little Italian restaurant downtown this past weekend! It felt like we were stepping into a little Italy (Korean style of course) from both of these nights coming soon!
8) We recently hit our 1 year mark in Korea- 11 July!! So it's all down hill from here!! I'll install a daisypath ticker soon so that we can all count down the months, weeks and days! (The other day B had it down to the hour how long we had had been a rough day! ha!)
7) So the BIG question everyone has been asking us...are you coming home soon?? Well the answer to this is most likely No. Here's a brief the time we are able to work our schedules out (with B's training and me building up enough leave to actually make a trip worth while), we wouldn't be able to come home until Christmas. Now as much as we would LOVE to spend the holidays with our dearest family and friends...we will be coming home 6 months after Christmas!! We've also debated the idea of taking a Christmas trip- and yes, the trip is winning. We're hoping to go to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam during the holidays! We feel as though it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit these beautiful lands-heck, it's only a 4 hr plane ride!! Now be honest...would'nt you go too?!?!?
6) My sister is engaged!! (Now, I know that is not a Groseclose announcement...but she is my sister!!) We are very excited for Keri and Tommy!! I have promised her that we can do LOTS of wedding planning via the internet!! I'll keep you posted on all the details (Jodi!) :)
5) We are SO ready for the FALL!! I bet ya'll are too!! We've been hearing about the blazzing temps. back home! It's not quite that hot here on the thermostat...but add the smoggy pollution into the mix and the dreary skies...urgh! Just ugly! Theres only been a handful of days that I have seen puffy blue clouds in the makes me so excited to just see the carolina blue sky that I would practically do back flips if it would help keep the smoggy polluted days away!!
4) We're thinking of making plans for the Labor Day weekend. We really haven't traveled very far this summer. So we're thinking of going down to Busan-which is the southern most part of the peninsula for the weekend! I've been pricing hotels and we can get a 4 to 5 star hotel for about $200.00 for the entire weekend!! I can't wait to put my feet in the sand again before the summer is over!!
3) Last week I planned a shopping trip with the ladies from my cottage. It was alot of fun. We went to a part of Seoul named Myong-Dong! It's pretty much the brand name shopping capital of Seoul. They had a HUGE 4 story Forever 21 store. Now, I have never stepped foot in this store...I would have not even imagined shopping there-I just never found it to be my style! ha! But this store had some really cute stuff (maybe it was just Korea!), but I found a cute turquoise and cream casual summer dress, cuff bracelett, peacock print wallet and charm necklace all for about 63,000 won (about 55.00 USD)!! Not bad! We also found an H and M, never shopped there before either...but I will defintely be going back! Last but of course not least, we found the Krispy Kreme donut shop!! Lahhhh!!! It was wonderful! They made the right there in the store and everything! It was so wonderful to have a taste of home!
2) Speaking of food! Have you ever craved a Chic Fil A #1 with a Lemonade for FIVE months!!! Well...I'm still praying that a Chic Fil A sandwich is going to fall out of the sky and onto my plate! (And NO I am not pregnant!! ha!)
1) Last but not least of my wondering thoughts tonight...I must share that I am already thinking about the reunion with all my besties when we come home!!! I'm now officially taking ideas for sound off!! :) I'm ready to start planning our return!! We will definately be home next July for at least a couple of weeks! As we find out more about where the Army is sending us next...*cough Europe cough*!! We're hoping! We'll be taking names for who wants to visit us!! Cause I KNOW that some of ya'll are going to want to come visit Europe!! Another once in a lifetime trip...for sure!!
Well thats a wrap for now!
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC
9) We recently went to dinner with some good couple friends we've met here. The place was called O'Kim's Browhouse! ha! :) I love the's a little Irish and ALOT Korean! (I have pictures...will post soon!) Speaking of dinner, we also tried out this cute little Italian restaurant downtown this past weekend! It felt like we were stepping into a little Italy (Korean style of course) from both of these nights coming soon!
8) We recently hit our 1 year mark in Korea- 11 July!! So it's all down hill from here!! I'll install a daisypath ticker soon so that we can all count down the months, weeks and days! (The other day B had it down to the hour how long we had had been a rough day! ha!)
7) So the BIG question everyone has been asking us...are you coming home soon?? Well the answer to this is most likely No. Here's a brief the time we are able to work our schedules out (with B's training and me building up enough leave to actually make a trip worth while), we wouldn't be able to come home until Christmas. Now as much as we would LOVE to spend the holidays with our dearest family and friends...we will be coming home 6 months after Christmas!! We've also debated the idea of taking a Christmas trip- and yes, the trip is winning. We're hoping to go to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam during the holidays! We feel as though it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit these beautiful lands-heck, it's only a 4 hr plane ride!! Now be honest...would'nt you go too?!?!?
6) My sister is engaged!! (Now, I know that is not a Groseclose announcement...but she is my sister!!) We are very excited for Keri and Tommy!! I have promised her that we can do LOTS of wedding planning via the internet!! I'll keep you posted on all the details (Jodi!) :)
5) We are SO ready for the FALL!! I bet ya'll are too!! We've been hearing about the blazzing temps. back home! It's not quite that hot here on the thermostat...but add the smoggy pollution into the mix and the dreary skies...urgh! Just ugly! Theres only been a handful of days that I have seen puffy blue clouds in the makes me so excited to just see the carolina blue sky that I would practically do back flips if it would help keep the smoggy polluted days away!!
4) We're thinking of making plans for the Labor Day weekend. We really haven't traveled very far this summer. So we're thinking of going down to Busan-which is the southern most part of the peninsula for the weekend! I've been pricing hotels and we can get a 4 to 5 star hotel for about $200.00 for the entire weekend!! I can't wait to put my feet in the sand again before the summer is over!!
3) Last week I planned a shopping trip with the ladies from my cottage. It was alot of fun. We went to a part of Seoul named Myong-Dong! It's pretty much the brand name shopping capital of Seoul. They had a HUGE 4 story Forever 21 store. Now, I have never stepped foot in this store...I would have not even imagined shopping there-I just never found it to be my style! ha! But this store had some really cute stuff (maybe it was just Korea!), but I found a cute turquoise and cream casual summer dress, cuff bracelett, peacock print wallet and charm necklace all for about 63,000 won (about 55.00 USD)!! Not bad! We also found an H and M, never shopped there before either...but I will defintely be going back! Last but of course not least, we found the Krispy Kreme donut shop!! Lahhhh!!! It was wonderful! They made the right there in the store and everything! It was so wonderful to have a taste of home!
2) Speaking of food! Have you ever craved a Chic Fil A #1 with a Lemonade for FIVE months!!! Well...I'm still praying that a Chic Fil A sandwich is going to fall out of the sky and onto my plate! (And NO I am not pregnant!! ha!)
1) Last but not least of my wondering thoughts tonight...I must share that I am already thinking about the reunion with all my besties when we come home!!! I'm now officially taking ideas for sound off!! :) I'm ready to start planning our return!! We will definately be home next July for at least a couple of weeks! As we find out more about where the Army is sending us next...*cough Europe cough*!! We're hoping! We'll be taking names for who wants to visit us!! Cause I KNOW that some of ya'll are going to want to come visit Europe!! Another once in a lifetime trip...for sure!!
Well thats a wrap for now!
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Wordless Wednesday Editor's Note!
I realize that it may be difficult to read the comic strip below...please click on the comic strip and it will open in another window and be easier to read!
Enjoy! *This definately brought a little smile to my heart...oh how very true it can be on most days!! *D.O. - yup, that's me! :)*
XOXO (again!, can never have to many!) from Korea!
Enjoy! *This definately brought a little smile to my heart...oh how very true it can be on most days!! *D.O. - yup, that's me! :)*
XOXO (again!, can never have to many!) from Korea!
Almost Wordless Wednesday!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
she works...he plays!
Well unfortunatly the weekend is over and I can NOT believe that we are embarking on once again another work week! It's incredible how time flys as we get older!
So for a quick recap before my lovely hubby and I head to bed...
Last week- B was lucky enough to work only 2 and a half days the entire week!! You ask what did he do the other days, well one day he helped clean the apartment and the rest of the time he hung out with his fellow NCO friends (non-commissioned officers) aka co workers. I would like to think that this was some sort of either male bonding time or time to build friendships! Either way, he had a great time and I'm glad he enjoyed his days off!
This weekend- I took a CPR and First Aid course on lasted all day long! urgh! Not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday...but at least now I can save a life. On a serious note, I am glad that I took the course especially since I am the manager of the cottage and working around all of the young children and adults...lord forbid something was to happen...but at least I am prepared. On Sunday (today), B and I just chilled around the house and then we had Pizza Hut (Korean Style) pizza for dinner! We don't normally eat such unhealthly foods and do quite well with watching our calories throughout the week, but tonight we just wanted to splurge! So thank you Mr. Pizza man at Pizza Hut for your assistance with our can only imagine how much fun it is to order out on the me there's lots of pointing, thumbs up or thumbs down, crossing of the pointer fingers to indicate "no" and pen and paper involved! :) We also ventured to HomePlus (aka Target...but not half as good) to try and find some 4th of July decorations. Now granted I know they are not actually going to stock banners, streamers and table cloths in red, white and blue...but I was able to find items in our patriotic colors and will be getting awful crafty this week to compile some cute decorations for our cottage cook out on Friday!! I'll let you know how it goes! Today I also worked on my grad school program application. Im hoping to wrap it up soon and get the program started in August...Lord willing! I'm very ready to go back to school, yet have no clue when Ill find the time! But I will make it happen!!
We've got a very exciting week at the cottage this week and it goes something like this...
-Monday- is Cultural Diversity Day (did you know that the month of June is Cultural Diversity Month) to celebrate I've asked the spouses to make a dish from their specific cultural background (and boy are we diverse!!) and bring it to the cottage for a potluck lunch! Through sharing food and our own culture hopefully as spouses we can learn more about where we each come from!!
-Tuesday- we will be having our monthly cottage meeting, where we review the upcoming event calendar for the month of July, review the operations of the cottage and I take feedback from the spouses about what they would like to see on the calendar and what isn't of interest to them!! Then following our meeting...we are going to go to the softball field and have an old fashion elementary school style field day- with 2 and 3 year olds! ha! My dear friend Megan here in Korea has agreed to help me coordinate this time! It should def. be fun for all!!
-Wednesday- I will go shopping with the chaplain (because they sponsor our program) to purchase the cookout materials and food for later in the week. I will also catch up on some admin. stuff that I am sure won't get done on Monday or Tuesday.
-Thursday- We will be taking the families to tour a local Korean hospital. The Army says that in the event of a severe emergency we are to go to the St. Mary's Hospital in Uijongbu. So it is our hope that by providing a guided tour for the families there during a time that is not of an emergency will better educate them and take away some of the nerves that would add extra stress in the event of an emergency. I myself have never stepped foot in this stay tuned for a report...
-Friday- Last but not least, we will kick off the 4th of July weekend...PBC style!! B has agreed to come and cook hotdogs and hamburgers for the families during his lunch hour, and the cottage will also provide an ice cream bar! I've asked the families to provide their own special dish...and that can be a bag of chips! ha! :) So hopefully I will have some good pictures from this special event!!
Well there's our quick but long blurb about us!!
Now it's time for bed...I've got to get some ZZZZ before this busy week ahead!
Till next time!
XOXO from Korea!
(and yes, I am a little sad S. Korea is now out of the world cup! it would have been awesome to watch them play USA- and too bad they are out now too!!) :(
Mrs. GC
So for a quick recap before my lovely hubby and I head to bed...
Last week- B was lucky enough to work only 2 and a half days the entire week!! You ask what did he do the other days, well one day he helped clean the apartment and the rest of the time he hung out with his fellow NCO friends (non-commissioned officers) aka co workers. I would like to think that this was some sort of either male bonding time or time to build friendships! Either way, he had a great time and I'm glad he enjoyed his days off!
This weekend- I took a CPR and First Aid course on lasted all day long! urgh! Not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday...but at least now I can save a life. On a serious note, I am glad that I took the course especially since I am the manager of the cottage and working around all of the young children and adults...lord forbid something was to happen...but at least I am prepared. On Sunday (today), B and I just chilled around the house and then we had Pizza Hut (Korean Style) pizza for dinner! We don't normally eat such unhealthly foods and do quite well with watching our calories throughout the week, but tonight we just wanted to splurge! So thank you Mr. Pizza man at Pizza Hut for your assistance with our can only imagine how much fun it is to order out on the me there's lots of pointing, thumbs up or thumbs down, crossing of the pointer fingers to indicate "no" and pen and paper involved! :) We also ventured to HomePlus (aka Target...but not half as good) to try and find some 4th of July decorations. Now granted I know they are not actually going to stock banners, streamers and table cloths in red, white and blue...but I was able to find items in our patriotic colors and will be getting awful crafty this week to compile some cute decorations for our cottage cook out on Friday!! I'll let you know how it goes! Today I also worked on my grad school program application. Im hoping to wrap it up soon and get the program started in August...Lord willing! I'm very ready to go back to school, yet have no clue when Ill find the time! But I will make it happen!!
We've got a very exciting week at the cottage this week and it goes something like this...
-Monday- is Cultural Diversity Day (did you know that the month of June is Cultural Diversity Month) to celebrate I've asked the spouses to make a dish from their specific cultural background (and boy are we diverse!!) and bring it to the cottage for a potluck lunch! Through sharing food and our own culture hopefully as spouses we can learn more about where we each come from!!
-Tuesday- we will be having our monthly cottage meeting, where we review the upcoming event calendar for the month of July, review the operations of the cottage and I take feedback from the spouses about what they would like to see on the calendar and what isn't of interest to them!! Then following our meeting...we are going to go to the softball field and have an old fashion elementary school style field day- with 2 and 3 year olds! ha! My dear friend Megan here in Korea has agreed to help me coordinate this time! It should def. be fun for all!!
-Wednesday- I will go shopping with the chaplain (because they sponsor our program) to purchase the cookout materials and food for later in the week. I will also catch up on some admin. stuff that I am sure won't get done on Monday or Tuesday.
-Thursday- We will be taking the families to tour a local Korean hospital. The Army says that in the event of a severe emergency we are to go to the St. Mary's Hospital in Uijongbu. So it is our hope that by providing a guided tour for the families there during a time that is not of an emergency will better educate them and take away some of the nerves that would add extra stress in the event of an emergency. I myself have never stepped foot in this stay tuned for a report...
-Friday- Last but not least, we will kick off the 4th of July weekend...PBC style!! B has agreed to come and cook hotdogs and hamburgers for the families during his lunch hour, and the cottage will also provide an ice cream bar! I've asked the families to provide their own special dish...and that can be a bag of chips! ha! :) So hopefully I will have some good pictures from this special event!!
Well there's our quick but long blurb about us!!
Now it's time for bed...I've got to get some ZZZZ before this busy week ahead!
Till next time!
XOXO from Korea!
(and yes, I am a little sad S. Korea is now out of the world cup! it would have been awesome to watch them play USA- and too bad they are out now too!!) :(
Mrs. GC
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Mid-Week Check-In!!
It's finally Wednesday here in the oo-ji-bu (aka- Uijongbu, Korea!). It seemed like Tuesday, yesterday took forever to end! It was'nt necessarily a long day or any dramatic events...just seemed to never end! But here we are at hump day and still a fun filled week to go...I'll fill you in-
So Monday- B and I correction- ha! I WORKED! B had the day a matter of fact he also has Friday off as well...and who says the Army isn't a sweet gig! :) Seriously though, I'm glad the battalion does give so many days off because they certainly deserve it...when they work...they work HARD and LONG hours! But we did wrap up Monday evening with some quality time watching Monday night Korean TV, which included the World Cup soccer games announced by the lovely Korean Broadcasters!! :) I don't know what we will do when we get back to the states and can understand what is being said on TV! For now we just watch the picture and make up what they are saying! ha! :)
Tuesday- Well we both worked and B had a company softball game that was alot of fun...a close game - but fun! Luckily the games are right after work and that gives me just a enough time to hit the gym while they are warming up before the games start at 1830. Last night for the first time I wasn't the only wife there screaming and yelling my head off "Go Charlie Co." "Go Charlie Rock"...I had some other wives accompany me...which was great!
As for today...we're both working! I'll be conducting a cooking class today for the ladies at the cottage...were making Apple porkchops and Creamy Broccoli and Carrot salad! I'll let you know how it turns out! I'm also putting the final touches on our event calendar for the month of July and then later helping one of the spouses find a dress for the social we have Thursday evening. I hope that one of the cocktail dresses I brought her to borrow will work...
I'll be sure to post pictures from our Thursday night Battalion social! It should be lots of fun! I'm sure I will be exhausted on Friday when I am back at work-but it will be worth it to have a great evening out with my B and with our 304th Signal BN. friends!!
till next time-
XOXO from Mrs. GC
So Monday- B and I correction- ha! I WORKED! B had the day a matter of fact he also has Friday off as well...and who says the Army isn't a sweet gig! :) Seriously though, I'm glad the battalion does give so many days off because they certainly deserve it...when they work...they work HARD and LONG hours! But we did wrap up Monday evening with some quality time watching Monday night Korean TV, which included the World Cup soccer games announced by the lovely Korean Broadcasters!! :) I don't know what we will do when we get back to the states and can understand what is being said on TV! For now we just watch the picture and make up what they are saying! ha! :)
Tuesday- Well we both worked and B had a company softball game that was alot of fun...a close game - but fun! Luckily the games are right after work and that gives me just a enough time to hit the gym while they are warming up before the games start at 1830. Last night for the first time I wasn't the only wife there screaming and yelling my head off "Go Charlie Co." "Go Charlie Rock"...I had some other wives accompany me...which was great!
As for today...we're both working! I'll be conducting a cooking class today for the ladies at the cottage...were making Apple porkchops and Creamy Broccoli and Carrot salad! I'll let you know how it turns out! I'm also putting the final touches on our event calendar for the month of July and then later helping one of the spouses find a dress for the social we have Thursday evening. I hope that one of the cocktail dresses I brought her to borrow will work...
I'll be sure to post pictures from our Thursday night Battalion social! It should be lots of fun! I'm sure I will be exhausted on Friday when I am back at work-but it will be worth it to have a great evening out with my B and with our 304th Signal BN. friends!!
till next time-
XOXO from Mrs. GC
Friday, June 18, 2010
18 June
As promised...I'm doing my best to keep this blog updated as much as possible! B and I are doing well here in Korea- honestly nothing exciting has been going on for us over the past few weeks...which has been great for a change-conidering how busy our life can get at times. But of course no blog is interesting without at least a few blabbers of here goes!
1) It's offically monsoon season here in Korea. Whoo Hoo! ha! All this basically means is for the remainder of the summer our weather will be full of thunderstorms, lightning and tons of rain. So to prepare I've ordered these rainboots to add to my rain gear collection... check them out here (well, on a side note after many tries I can't seem to add the if a blogger wiz could lend me some guidance...I will love you even more forever!!) In the meantime, they are on the website and are the Women's Plaid Rainboots in Purple...ha! of course!
2) Today we took a trip to the Caribbean Bay Water Park. It was myself and the other 2 PBC's (Pear Blossom Cottages) managers and their family members...the trip was a great time and absolutly the cleanest water park I've even been to in my life! After planning this trip...I definatly know how all of my teacher friends feel when planning field trips- with the exception that students can't cancel...adults can! ha! :) I'd love for you to check out that link too...but please reference above!
3) It's finally the weekend here...and thank goodness! Although we hear that it is supposed to rain and storm all weekend-we are determined to make the best of it. B is busting to grill out, so I am hopeful that the rain will clear for us to grill this weekend-he's only been marinating meat for about 48hrs! ha! It's needless to say it's in the fridge and ready for nice hot fire of coals! Although we do have an indoor me there is nothing like a good ole' backyard BBQ...even though we don't have a backyard, we do have a grill and will be going to post and setting it up ourselves near a gazebo on post and then set out our lawnchairs! ha! :)
4) In the coming weeks we will mark our ONE YEAR anniversary in Korea! Can you believe it? I will be the first to say this year has flown by! I cant believe that this time next year we will be packing up and moving on to where ever the Army tells us we are going to call home! With one year left B and I have decided that we are going to start a picture diary. We will be taking a picture each and every day from July 11th 2010...till July 11th 2011!! We think it will be a cool documentary of our last year in Korea! So hopefully they will be post worthy! We should definatly be able to get some great pictures of our time here in Korea and what living abroad is really all about! :) So stay tuned...
Well believe it or not...thats about all the blabbing I've got for you know! I know I know...hard to believe...but hopefully I can learn how to post links and have much more exciting posts in the future!!!
-Mrs. GC
1) It's offically monsoon season here in Korea. Whoo Hoo! ha! All this basically means is for the remainder of the summer our weather will be full of thunderstorms, lightning and tons of rain. So to prepare I've ordered these rainboots to add to my rain gear collection... check them out here (well, on a side note after many tries I can't seem to add the if a blogger wiz could lend me some guidance...I will love you even more forever!!) In the meantime, they are on the website and are the Women's Plaid Rainboots in Purple...ha! of course!
2) Today we took a trip to the Caribbean Bay Water Park. It was myself and the other 2 PBC's (Pear Blossom Cottages) managers and their family members...the trip was a great time and absolutly the cleanest water park I've even been to in my life! After planning this trip...I definatly know how all of my teacher friends feel when planning field trips- with the exception that students can't cancel...adults can! ha! :) I'd love for you to check out that link too...but please reference above!
3) It's finally the weekend here...and thank goodness! Although we hear that it is supposed to rain and storm all weekend-we are determined to make the best of it. B is busting to grill out, so I am hopeful that the rain will clear for us to grill this weekend-he's only been marinating meat for about 48hrs! ha! It's needless to say it's in the fridge and ready for nice hot fire of coals! Although we do have an indoor me there is nothing like a good ole' backyard BBQ...even though we don't have a backyard, we do have a grill and will be going to post and setting it up ourselves near a gazebo on post and then set out our lawnchairs! ha! :)
4) In the coming weeks we will mark our ONE YEAR anniversary in Korea! Can you believe it? I will be the first to say this year has flown by! I cant believe that this time next year we will be packing up and moving on to where ever the Army tells us we are going to call home! With one year left B and I have decided that we are going to start a picture diary. We will be taking a picture each and every day from July 11th 2010...till July 11th 2011!! We think it will be a cool documentary of our last year in Korea! So hopefully they will be post worthy! We should definatly be able to get some great pictures of our time here in Korea and what living abroad is really all about! :) So stay tuned...
Well believe it or not...thats about all the blabbing I've got for you know! I know I know...hard to believe...but hopefully I can learn how to post links and have much more exciting posts in the future!!!
-Mrs. GC
Sunday, May 30, 2010
the first of catch you up!!
from beautiful...
S. Korea! ha! :)
...but this post is a pIcTuRe post from our 3 day (well my 3 day, B's 2 and a half week) trip to beautiful Hawaii!! And it is simply just that...beautiful and fabulous! I'll let you see for yourself! Enjoy!!
Beautiful Wakiki Beach!!
Simply Stunning! Looks like a postcard...but I swear I took it! We highly reccomend saving your pennies for Hawaii... you won't regret it! We're definatly planning a trip back and for MUCH longer than 3 days! Heck...who knows maybe that will be our next duty station... :)
Look closely...I just love my pumpkin's little boy excitement over the waves crashing against the lava rocks! <3 br="br">
An action shot of the view behind us...and what B was so excited over!! What an awesome God we have who created mothernature as majestic as this!!

And...we can't forget the fine men and women (yes...some look like yougin's! ha!) who make the ultimate sacrifice and give us our freedom to live as we please in the good ole' USA!! So here's a big shout out to the fine soldiers of the 304th Signal BN. Charlie Company-cause "Charlie Rocks the House!!" *If you look close in the'll see a soldier I'm quite fond of...who mentors those soldiers you see in front of him to be the best they can be...Army Strong each and everyday!!*
Mahalo and XOXO-
From Wakiki Hawaii and Uijongbu S. Korea!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A fun little Q&A!!
So some of my bests buds have posted this little q&a...I thought...what a great way to get back on the blogging wagon... so here goes! Enjoy!!
B's answers are in teal!!
1) He is sitting in front of the TV, what is he watching??
-a random movie with Nicolas Cage, NCIS or CIS; movie.
2) You are out to eat, what type of dressing does he get on his salad?
-ranch; ranch.
3) What's one food he doesn't like?
-V8 Juice; tomatos. ha!
4) You go out to a bar, what does he order?
- Bud Light or Bud Ice; beer.
5) Where did he go to high school?
-Gospel Light; Gospel Light
6) What size shoe does he wear?
-15; 14. *In my defense, we're in KOREA, it's been awhile since I've found shoes that fit him! ha!
7) If he were to collect anything, what would it be?
-shotglasses, money, oh yea and shotglasses too.
8) What's his favorite sandwich?
9) What would he eat everyday if he could?
-Fritos and bean dip; pizza!
10) What is his favorite cereal?
-Raisin Bran CRUNCH; Raisin Bran
11) What would he never wear?
-socks with sandals and pink; "I don't know!" ha! I guess I'll speak for him, I've tried to get him to wear pink, he won't do it because he says it doesn't look good on us redheads! ha!
12) What is his favorite sports team?
-Redskins (which is true); Wake Forest! * I apparently had a brainfart!
13) Who does he vote for?
-He doesn't!; I don't! *Yup, he really has never voted a day in his life and doesn't plan too! ha!
14) Who is his best friend?
-Me and Nathan; you and Nate
15) What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
-talk so much; nag! ha!
16) How many states has be lived in?
-2, NC and FL for 1yr of Marine Corp training; 1, NC-apparently the year of Marine Corp training "doesn't count as living there!" ha! okay!
17) What is his heritage?
-German; German.
18) You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake is it?
- pound cake; vanilla, anything but chocolate or coconut.
19) Did he play sports in high school?
-yes, baseball and basketball; yes, baseball and basketball.
20) What could be spend hours doing?
-sitting on the commode reading the Army Times, yardwork, hanging out with friends and family on a porch somewhere; yeah all those and video games!
B's answers are in teal!!
1) He is sitting in front of the TV, what is he watching??
-a random movie with Nicolas Cage, NCIS or CIS; movie.
2) You are out to eat, what type of dressing does he get on his salad?
-ranch; ranch.
3) What's one food he doesn't like?
-V8 Juice; tomatos. ha!
4) You go out to a bar, what does he order?
- Bud Light or Bud Ice; beer.
5) Where did he go to high school?
-Gospel Light; Gospel Light
6) What size shoe does he wear?
-15; 14. *In my defense, we're in KOREA, it's been awhile since I've found shoes that fit him! ha!
7) If he were to collect anything, what would it be?
-shotglasses, money, oh yea and shotglasses too.
8) What's his favorite sandwich?
9) What would he eat everyday if he could?
-Fritos and bean dip; pizza!
10) What is his favorite cereal?
-Raisin Bran CRUNCH; Raisin Bran
11) What would he never wear?
-socks with sandals and pink; "I don't know!" ha! I guess I'll speak for him, I've tried to get him to wear pink, he won't do it because he says it doesn't look good on us redheads! ha!
12) What is his favorite sports team?
-Redskins (which is true); Wake Forest! * I apparently had a brainfart!
13) Who does he vote for?
-He doesn't!; I don't! *Yup, he really has never voted a day in his life and doesn't plan too! ha!
14) Who is his best friend?
-Me and Nathan; you and Nate
15) What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
-talk so much; nag! ha!
16) How many states has be lived in?
-2, NC and FL for 1yr of Marine Corp training; 1, NC-apparently the year of Marine Corp training "doesn't count as living there!" ha! okay!
17) What is his heritage?
-German; German.
18) You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake is it?
- pound cake; vanilla, anything but chocolate or coconut.
19) Did he play sports in high school?
-yes, baseball and basketball; yes, baseball and basketball.
20) What could be spend hours doing?
-sitting on the commode reading the Army Times, yardwork, hanging out with friends and family on a porch somewhere; yeah all those and video games!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I gotta itch...and it ain't a bug bite...
Yup, that's right folks...I'm itchin' for some new air space, new surroundings, new faces, to actually carry on a complete conversation with a local in El English!! I've got the Korean 10 month itch...I'm not too sure if this is something that exists...but I'm definately feeling it.
So that's it...I'm off to Hawaii tomorrow with very minimal plans in mind...and right now, I'm more than lovin' that idea.
Here's to hoping to accomplish these few things:
a)safe travels of course-prayers appreciated!
b)rest...lots of rest! rest on the beach will be great, rain or sunshine, hail or tsunamis...I'll be there!
c)rejuvination...I'm burnt out...ka-put! which probably explains why I've been kinda in and out of my social life lately...
d)shopping-I can't WAIT to step foot into Macy's and Nine West!!
e) and most importantly- I gotta get this mind of mine's been working on overload for 10 months...time for some changes in attitude and lattitude! (thanks Jimmy B!)
f)catching up on some reading, gossip magazines and most importantly re-syncing myself with the Lord! How great thou art...
So ladies-I'm out!
I'm not officially on me time...and it's great!!
Love you all!!
-Mrs. GC
So that's it...I'm off to Hawaii tomorrow with very minimal plans in mind...and right now, I'm more than lovin' that idea.
Here's to hoping to accomplish these few things:
a)safe travels of course-prayers appreciated!
b)rest...lots of rest! rest on the beach will be great, rain or sunshine, hail or tsunamis...I'll be there!
c)rejuvination...I'm burnt out...ka-put! which probably explains why I've been kinda in and out of my social life lately...
d)shopping-I can't WAIT to step foot into Macy's and Nine West!!
e) and most importantly- I gotta get this mind of mine's been working on overload for 10 months...time for some changes in attitude and lattitude! (thanks Jimmy B!)
f)catching up on some reading, gossip magazines and most importantly re-syncing myself with the Lord! How great thou art...
So ladies-I'm out!
I'm not officially on me time...and it's great!!
Love you all!!
-Mrs. GC
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Nordstroms Rocks My World!!
Thank you Nordstroms for re-stocking this gown...

The 1st Signal Brigade Ball (Happy 150th Birthday Signal!!) is May 21st...of course we will be attending...I just LOVE balls! :) Between my years in Sigma and B being active duty, for the past 6 years I've not missed a single year that I haven't had the opportunity to get all dolled up for a night out on the town! :)
Once again, looking foward to a fab night with my darling! Now...just get this dress here on time!!
Nordstrom's you rock! :) PS- so does my mother in law for recieving it at her home (in approx. 1 week and then flat rate box shipping it to Korea!!)

The 1st Signal Brigade Ball (Happy 150th Birthday Signal!!) is May 21st...of course we will be attending...I just LOVE balls! :) Between my years in Sigma and B being active duty, for the past 6 years I've not missed a single year that I haven't had the opportunity to get all dolled up for a night out on the town! :)
Once again, looking foward to a fab night with my darling! Now...just get this dress here on time!!
Nordstrom's you rock! :) PS- so does my mother in law for recieving it at her home (in approx. 1 week and then flat rate box shipping it to Korea!!)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mid-Week Update...
so tonight I feel the need to just say a few little all my lovely friendy friends...I have not forgotten to blog this week! :) for now, we can just call this my mid week check in- here's a few items to brief you on our week...
1- B is still in the field, he will be home at some point, then home for 14 days, then to Hawaii (for FIVE WHOLE weeks) (lucky duck!!)
2- the Lord blessed us (I'm reminding myself that it was a blessing) with 8 inches of snow on Wednesday morning...8 inches of glorious is now "glorious" because it's melting...I'm so ready for spring and cherry blossoms
3-I now have 8 (yup, EIGHT) pregnant spouses at the PBC...can we say HORMONES!!!
4-due to the above, I ONLY drink bottled water... :)
5-during the snow...i took was a beautiful snow...i plan to post them ASAP!
6- little Chloe got a bath went over well...i was nervous because B usually does the washin' and i do the dryin'...tonight both and that equaled success...yup, I think she's a mommas girl...
7-korean rice wine...mmm.mmm good! :) I might just have to start sending some home so that I've got it stock piled for when we leave...any of you gals want to try a bottle...let me know I've got some good light spring wines that will go GREAT with some BBQ's this summer! :)
some thoughts for now...
-Mrs. GC
1- B is still in the field, he will be home at some point, then home for 14 days, then to Hawaii (for FIVE WHOLE weeks) (lucky duck!!)
2- the Lord blessed us (I'm reminding myself that it was a blessing) with 8 inches of snow on Wednesday morning...8 inches of glorious is now "glorious" because it's melting...I'm so ready for spring and cherry blossoms
3-I now have 8 (yup, EIGHT) pregnant spouses at the PBC...can we say HORMONES!!!
4-due to the above, I ONLY drink bottled water... :)
5-during the snow...i took was a beautiful snow...i plan to post them ASAP!
6- little Chloe got a bath went over well...i was nervous because B usually does the washin' and i do the dryin'...tonight both and that equaled success...yup, I think she's a mommas girl...
7-korean rice wine...mmm.mmm good! :) I might just have to start sending some home so that I've got it stock piled for when we leave...any of you gals want to try a bottle...let me know I've got some good light spring wines that will go GREAT with some BBQ's this summer! :)
some thoughts for now...
-Mrs. GC
Friday, February 26, 2010

Hey Hey World! :)
Recently, I have enjoyed reading all of my friends blogs, and keeping up with them and after much *begging*, yes, you know who you are :)'s our updated blog. I haven't updated in MONTHS I know! But, honestly after getting settled into living in Korea it has seemed as though it's just life, and really not that interesting. There are some days that are fun and unique, but overall it's just became a way of life for us! With that being said, I think it's wonderful that it has became such a unique way of life for us, but for all my "friendy friends" in blog world and real life...I know you want updates by the millions!! Soooooo, I promise to TRY to update this blog as often as possible! Now, that I am finally back into the working woman world...I may have more interesting things to talk about!
Speaking of "working woman!!" YES, after much persistence and months and months and months and did I mention MONTHS of looking for a job/volunteering (which I plan to continue)...I am officially (this coming Tuesday March 2nd) the newest PBC manager/director!! PBC= Pear Blossom is a cottage on our post (C. Stanley) that is operated soley for the military families of the post and the surrounding community. The mission of the PBC is this..."The PBC program supports the ACS (Army Community Services) mission to assist commanders (head honchos...big guys/gals like Lt. Col. and Col.!! :) by delivering social support services to family members, contributing to high troop morale, and increased vision of readiness." The vision of the PBC is... 1) Provide support in a safe and secure community gathering place for spouses and children 2) Provide opportunities for growth and self- sufficiency through educational and social programs 3) Promise positive soldier and family relationships!! Hopefully that helps in understanding my job at hand! I am VERY much so looking foward to this new chapter in my life. We have a year and a half left here in Korea, and I truly believe that during this time I can make a difference in our community! We have a great network of established families already associated with the PBC, yet my personal vision is to eventually put into place methods of reaching out to those families who are associated with our post, yet don't call the PBC their social home! :) The reality of our situation is...Korea can be a very LONELY and DEPRESSING place without friends! And, what a blessing the PBC is!! Some of my daily duties will include basic paperwork and statistic reports, event planning (thank goodness for those Sigma days!), cultural trip planning to venture out to places near and far exploring the Korean peninsula (day trips of course), and providing educational classes to the families: parenting, financial, exercise, nutrition, cooking ect! The PBC is a unique facility on our post comprised of a lovely living room equipped with a big screen TV, family kitchen area (also HUGE), laundry room (for FREE laundry!), children's play room (also equipped with a big screen TV) and tons o' toys! :) I realize that the job is going to be ALOT of work, and going to take tons of heart! But I think I've got it! At least I pray that the Lord has prepared me for this, and he will continue to give me the strength to serve these families! I will certainly keep you posted on my adventures at the PBC!
Let's see what else...the hubby is doing great! B is in a field exercise for now. He will be home the middle of March for 14ish days and then fly to Hawaii for 5 weeks of training! Lucky ducky! Although, I can't be too jealious...I will join him for 3 WHOLE days and 3 WHOLE nights during the tail end of his training. *Please reference tropical picture up if someone would like to tell me how to put pictures inside of the post ie: like what Ashley and Jodi have done...that would be great...and my post will flow better!* Thanks!
One last thing, B and I ordered Vonage...YAY! We finally got the Vonage adapter in the mail today! I am going to use my noodle and hook it up this weekend! We have a local- Kernersville, NC 336 area code number and would love to share it with anyone who wants to contact us! :) We have unlimited minutes calling to the states... and would be more than willing to call you back! :) As soon as I get it hooked up...I'll let you know! Probably with a real LIVE phone call! :)
Well, enough babble for now! Maybe I'll make my post "Babbling...Friday!" :)
Much Love from Sunny S. Korea!!!
-Mrs. GC- (I would love to have a cool signature thingy like Mon, and Ashley if someone would assist me in that too!!)
**HAHAHAHA! I have come to realize how un blogger savvy I really am! Maybe that's why I gave this thing up! :)
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