...thankfully, most days my work days are just plain fun! I've only shared bits and pieces about the work I do here in Korea, so I thought I would take a moment to share
a little bit more information, okay ALOT more!! (also, so that I have a journaled entry when I get back to the states and leave this unique job!!)
So, you ask, what is it exactly that I do on a daily basis? Well it goes something a little like this... I am the program manager of a Family Outreach center, fondly know as the Pear Blossom Family Outreach Center (PBFOC). This program falls under the umbrella of an official Army program by the name of ACS (Army Community Services), within ACS there are several components of other programs, the branch upon which we sit is "Outreach." **You can read more about our department/program
We have 3 of these centers in the area inwhich we live here in Korea (Area I), and each center has it's own manager- hints 2 co-workers for me! This program is specific to both the Army, and Korea to be exact. The program was started back in the late 1980's (I know, I was like 3 and 4 years old!!) by a General's spouse (Ms. Woodall) who lived here in our area and observed families who also lived in the area, yet the living conditions were not half as pleasant as what they are now. Ms. Woodall observed these families cooking in the single soldier's barracks area, bathing at the on post gymnasium areas and generally just using the public Army facilites as routes of survival. Needless to say, 30 years out from the Korean War, the housing ammenities in this country still had much to be desired. **Note, this was before the Army program of Command Sponsorship, these ever so brave families were so very committed to their soldiers that they made the sacrifice of giving up such things as desired living conditions, inorder to follow their soldier to Korea in support of their soldiers career- Thank goodness we now have Command Sponsorship (more on that during a latter post!)**
At the time the PBFOC program was established there were 6 bases in this region of Korea- 3 of them have since closed. The first center was opened in 1989 at Camp Casey (now USAG Casey), and was build by the families, the garrison, the Korean Service Corp and a local group of college students. The amenities within the cottage (as it was formerly called), were donated by the Army. Amenites that were provided included a fully furnished living room, with TV; kitchen with stoves and cookware, indoor and outdoor children's playareas, nursery area, laundry room with several machines, arts and crafts room and eventually computer/technology labs. The first cottage was originally named Ehwa, after the university in which local Korean students volunteered their time. Later, 5 additional cottages/outreach centers were built and opened, with the most current center opening in 2000. Currently, there are 3 centers open (USAG Red Cloud, USAG Casey and Camp Stanley). I am the proud program manager at the Camp Stanley center!
Currently, I have about 65 families registered at my center (I manage the smallest of the centers). I produce a monthly calendar each month with all sorts of networking and educational activities for both the families and children to participate in. For an example of some of the activities planned, I'll give you the run down of February's calendar:
- we attended a Zumba class at Camp Casey
- several spouses chipped in and we spent a day learning how to make Tamales, we then took the leftovers home to store in the freezer for later (YUM!)
-we had a family Superbowl Breakfast on Superbowl MONDAY (yes, you read that right: Breakfast, Football, Monday = what we do in Korea when the game is playing 13 hours after your current time!!)
-for 3 Friday's this month we are hosting Military Spouse Resiliency training (this is the first 3 of 6 modules, which we will wrap up in March). This training is an optional training for spouses, but in my opinion is a vitally important resource for equipping spouses with tools that will help them to succeed and
overcome, successfully work through the stressors of military life!)
-I have a self-created (which most of my programs are), program named "Married to the Military Monday", and for this coming Monday Feb. 14th, we will be kickin' it back "old school" and gathering together to have an old fashioned Valentine's Day Party! I've encouraged both the spouses and their children to create (or purchase) Valentine's Cards and we will share them with each other after we decorate our Valentine's Day bags. We'll wrap up the afternoon with some special cookies that I'm going to bake, the movie "Valentine's Day" and sharing ideas as to how we "keep the romance in our relationship!"
-this month (as with all month's), we will take our regular cultural exploration trip, and this time we're going somewhere that I think most spouses haven't been- the Seoul Folk Flea Market! I know we are all hoping to find some unique Korean keepsakes!
-later this month, we will have a "Budgeting Class" hosted by our favorite financial guru, Ms. Doris from the ACS (Army Community Services) Financial Program
-to round down the month, we have an FRG who plans to use the kitchen facilities for an entire day to bake cookies for their companies soldiers and an FRG (Family Readiness Group) bake sale!
**Whew, if you're still with me!!** What a month! :) This is a typical glimsp of a month around the center, and yes, stragegically planned by yours truly!
In addition to planning, hosting and coordinating all kinds of events; I also use (on a daily basis) my ever so trusty "social work skills" to help the spouses
problem solve, trouble shoot (I like the phrasing better), issues they may be having. Some examples could be: "How do I get signed up for the WIC (Women, Infants and Children- just like in the states) overseas program?", "Where can I take a stress management class?", "When will be a good day for me to do my laundry, I have ALOT?", "I'm really missing my husband because of _______________ (fill in with whatever the Army has him doing), what can I do to keep myself busy?", "HELP! I'm pregnant!" (My response, Yes Honey! It's in the water...let's talk!!), "Do you know how to get intouch with CYSS services (Child and Youth Services), I want to sign my child up for __________.", "My husband and I are not getting along lately..." (again, my response...let's talk!!) These are just a few of the examples of some of the topics I help these spouses work through! I can truly say that I am honored to be able to help them work through simply somedays just the everyday grind, and other days they may feel like their world is crashing down...but together we work through it! Luckily, I remind them that I too am an Army spouse and I too feel the same exact way they do on a time to time bases, it's natural and it is going to happen...it's "the Army!" Fortunatly, we also have a great group of spouses who frequent the center often, these ladies I hope are able to provide and recieve as much strength, laughs and support as we all lend each other from time to time.
**I'm getting a little off topic now, so to go back to my "job"... To touch on other items I am responsible for they include the administrative side of the house. I have recently been asked to be the Team Leader for all of the Outreach Center managers! Which I really appreciate the opportunity, and on the positive side if I'm totally awful at it, they only have to put up with me for 4 months! ha! :) Within this role, I will be working with the other managers to make sure that each center has proper coverage as managers need time off, we will be looking into standardizing several procedures inorder to make sure that each center is fluid in operations, we will also be working on our marketing tools and reviewing lots of paperwork that goes into the admin side of the house, as well as working with several senior spouses to host a "Wellness Seminar" in our area for spouses and children coming up in March, and later in April we will help with a Children's Parade!!
Well, I hope you stayed with me till the end! If you didn't I'm sorry for the rambling yet, I hope you did find it informing!! I hope you enjoyed this little bit of what I do Monday through Friday, workin' from nine till 5 (ha! who am I kidding some nights my phone rings at 10 oclock!) That's okay, I'm a spouse too and I get it! :)
Till Next time-
XOXO from Korea!
Mrs. GC