Blog Background

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Well bloggie world...Yes, it's been quite sometime,  okay an eternity!! But, I'm here, and I'm back in action!! Whoo hoo! In this post, I intend to update you on the past few months through a few bullet points, hopefully you'll follow along. Yet, before we get started lets cover some ground. We are still stationed here in Korea (about 5 months more to go till we return to the states), I am still working at the Outreach Center on post and B (my husband patient, fantastic man in my life) is still working away with the Army...and best of all- We are LOVIN' life! :) Isn't it just great to love life, love your mate and just to love the simple things! So here goes the update...

*B and I experienced our first Typhoon ever, and of course it was here in Korea.
*My co workers and I hosted a military VIP visit from Washington DC
*We celebrated the Korean holiday of Chusok (basically, the equivalent to American's Thanksgiving)

*B and I booked our trip home for the holidays to NC
*B re-enlisted to the Army for another 6 year contract
*I assisted my co workers with hosting a Domestic Violence Awareness month 5K
*The community association I am a board member on (Kka Chi Community Association), and I hosted a Golf Tournament at Camp Casey Golf Course
*I assisted with my first AFAP (Army Family Action Plan) conference, basically a conference that reviews what is working, what isn't and how the Army can go about fixing issues.
*The spouses from the Outreach Center and I took 2 trips to Seoul, one on a Seoul City Bus Tour, and the second to a fabulous market by the name of Insadong; more about these wonderful places in a later post.

*B and I had a night out on the town to celebrate a good friend of ours 40th Birthday. His wife hosted a group of us at a local italian (yes, I said italian) restaurant (Erus) here in Korea. It was FaNtAbUlOuS I tell you!
*B and I participated in a college fair hosted by the sisters of Delta Sigma Theta, Alumnae chapter here in Korea. I was the representative for my alma mater Barton College. B came along with me to assist with the fair, and he met another fellow college rep/alum who is also stationed here in Korea and is a Naval Criminal Investigator. So yes, my friends NCIS DOES exist! Of course B asked if this fella knew Gibbs! ha!
*B and I did some Christmas shopping for friends and family at a market in Osan
*Our friends Alicia and Rob hosted a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and invited us over. After stuffing our bellys we drank,  indulged in some fabulous Korean wine and played a nice competitive game of Wii!

*B and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary in the great city of Tokyo! 4 days and 3 nights, it was beautiful!
*We then flew for 16 hours home to Atlanta and then on to RDU for a couple of weeks home for the holidays with our super fantastic friends and family. While home, we attended a thoughtfully hosted holiday party with some of my sorority sisters and their significant others. I also spent a weekend shopping trip with two of my besties Megan and Caroline. My sister and I did some wedding planning in anticipation of her big day, coming up in July!!
*We also met up for lunch with B's besties wife (Simonie), who her husband is currently deployed, but we are praying for a safe return in just a few short weeks!

*B and I spent New Year's 2011 eve at home, and jet lagged! ha! (romantic, I know!) ha!
*I co-hosted a Baby Shower for 6 new mama's at the Outreach Center, and can you believe that they are all having boys!!?!?
*I also co-hosted an FRG meeting for the new year...anyone looking to pick up a new committment in July?? I'm hoping to be able to start training someone for my current FRG (Family Readiness Group) position soon!

Well, there you have it! Our update! Thank goodness for my agenda book, I would have never been able to remember all of this information with out it!

**Be on the lookout for some new posts, and some pictures! I've got a few plans up my sleeve that will hopefully keep me blogging all year long!!**

XOXO! from Korea!

Mrs. GC

**Check out these guys, they are from my hometown and I went to high school with the male lead singer and the drummer- I wrote this post while listening to them!!**