from beautiful...
S. Korea! ha! :)
...but this post is a pIcTuRe post from our 3 day (well my 3 day, B's 2 and a half week) trip to beautiful Hawaii!! And it is simply just that...beautiful and fabulous! I'll let you see for yourself! Enjoy!!
Beautiful Wakiki Beach!!
Simply Stunning! Looks like a postcard...but I swear I took it! We highly reccomend saving your pennies for Hawaii... you won't regret it! We're definatly planning a trip back and for MUCH longer than 3 days! Heck...who knows maybe that will be our next duty station... :)
Look closely...I just love my pumpkin's little boy excitement over the waves crashing against the lava rocks! <3 br="br">
An action shot of the view behind us...and what B was so excited over!! What an awesome God we have who created mothernature as majestic as this!!

And...we can't forget the fine men and women (yes...some look like yougin's! ha!) who make the ultimate sacrifice and give us our freedom to live as we please in the good ole' USA!! So here's a big shout out to the fine soldiers of the 304th Signal BN. Charlie Company-cause "Charlie Rocks the House!!" *If you look close in the'll see a soldier I'm quite fond of...who mentors those soldiers you see in front of him to be the best they can be...Army Strong each and everyday!!*
Mahalo and XOXO-
From Wakiki Hawaii and Uijongbu S. Korea!!