I hope to get into the swing of updating this wonderful blog more often! After viewing other friends blogs...I also need to learn how to upload pictures and change my background....hmmm...maybe a few pointers could be tossed my way! ;) So since my last posting...nothing has really changed with the Army and our plans for Korea! I could spend post after post talking about the daily if, ands and buts of the Army but in a nutshell, we are still going to Korea and still waiting on some official word for travel dates. We have applied for my no fee visa and passport, apparently it will take 6 to 8 weeks to recieve!! Praying everyday that thing comes earlier. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to fly when B does!! If not, I've got a big feat of getting over my fear of flying over the ocean...working on that one daily...promise! :) So in our life outside of the Army...I am still working at the Baptist Hospital. As of tomorrow my count down begins, 2 weeks left!! My last day is Friday June 26th. It's actually kinda bittersweet! I do enjoy my job...maybe just not all of my co-workers. I do enjoy being busy, and I actually enjoy working...makes me feel as though I have accomplished something and keeps my brain cells from dying!! :) So I am worried that being out of work, I may get a little bored! Hopefully when we get to Korea I will be able to land a job quickly!! I pray that I will get a position teaching English to the little Korean children!! They are just so darn cute! I've already asked B if we can adopt one...well if you all know B there was some BIG eye rolling with that response as well as a large "NO!!" HAHA...never know until I ask!! I do think those are just the cutest little children in the world! :) Speaking of best things in the world, I have the ABSOLUTE best friends in the world!! Last Sunday afternoon those gals surprised me at a lunch in Greensboro (Jodi, Ashley, Erin and Alex!!) How GREAT are they!! That most certainly made my day!! I am so glad they came and understood how difficult it was for me to get around to seeing everyone before we leave!! It was so kind of them to travel the 2 hours (approx.) each way for an approx 1hr. lunch!!! I am so blessed to have such great Sigma Sisters and friends!!! And to top it off B was with me too (of course because these girls tricked me into thinking that Alex and Freddie were coming for lunch), and then those great gals show up!! If anyone could pull a trick off like that...those girls can...and this girl would be the best one to do it too!! Haha, they know how oblivious I am!! :) SO needless to say that was my BIG news for last week!! Well, onto my BIG news for this week and it all began today!! I must say that B and I had a wonderful time at church this morning!! Obviously, like any other military move it is STRESSFUL!! Because the military is CLASSIC for changing their mind at the last minute and having things all topsy turvy! So with that being said our pastors title of his sermon today was "Stressed or Blessed?" I told B while we were pulling into the parking lot "wow this is going to be great!!" It was so surreal, kinda like the Lord said to Pastor Rob- "Mrs. GC and B need to hear about stress and the Lord." I would like to share a couple of things that we learned...it was just so powerful!! The sermon was based on Psalm 37 1:7. Basically what we learned is that the Lord states 4 ways to deal with stress and all 4 of them must be performed... 1) TRUST in the Lord when resources vanish ( I think this one is pretty self explainitory), 2) DELIGHT in the Lord when dreams disolve (basically dont fret when dreams disolve or joys are threatened), 3) COMMIT your way to the Lord when your lifestyle changes (basically roll onto him your lifestyle, career, job, reputation and whatever else is stressful in your life), and lastly 4) REST in the Lord when God seems slow to work (basically once you've rolled your stress onto him, don't continue to complain and wonder what to do). So needless to say, B and I both felt as though this was exactly what we needed to hear today! It was so powerful I can't even begin to put words into it! With the stressful happenings of this move it was quite comforting to hear that we need to roll it onto the Lord and let Him handle it! So on that postive note, I have faith that this week is going to be a positive one! I have a dinner date tomorrow night with another Sigma sister of mine- Amanda. Then a dinner date on Tuesday night with some lovely gals from work! Then comes Wednesday the big ole hump day...and a few days closer to Friday!! :) Then on Saturday...we're off to Raleigh to see some more great friends and celebrate a great nurses graduation!! :) Well, I guess I have blabbed enough for now! Army Wives is on, and I am not good at multitasking when my favorite show is on!! :) Until next time!!
Much Love,
The GC's